
New Webinar: Preparing Retirement Plans to Manage a Cybersecurity Incident

On Wednesday, October 5, Peter Dewar moderated a webinar for the National Institute on Retirement Security titled, “Preparing Retirement Plans to Manage a Cybersecurity Incident”. This webinar offers a discussion on preparing for and managing a cybersecurity event if one occurs for a retirement system.

The topics include:

+ Recognizing the current threat landscape

+ Steps to include when preparing an incident response plan

+ How to conduct an incident response using a methodology that protects privileged information

Participants included John Rosenburg, Information Security Officer of New York State Teachers Retirement System (NYSTRS), Jefferey Saiger, Chief Information Office of the State Universities Retirement System of Illinois (SURS), and Michael Kreps, Privacy and Cybersecurity Attorney with Groom Law.

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